Full Name: Pooch

Nickname: N/A

Pronouns/Gender: He/Him + Fucker/Fuckers (Trans Male)

Sexuality: Het/Aro

Species: Coyote/Dog Mix

Age: 18

Worth: $397


An outgoing dude who just wants to have a good time, loves his friends but has a hard time making them because of his abrasive personality. Definitely the type to rock the boat and mess with people, likes to see people's reactions to things but doesn't go far enough to hurt somebody. He often comes off as cold and aloof, but he's really a nice kid who just wants to have fun with his friends.


16personalities: ENTP-A

Cognitive Functions: ENTJ

Enneagram: Sx7, 7w8, Sx/So

Tritype: 783

Big 5: SCUEI

Psychosophy: FLVE

4 Temperaments: Sanguine-Choleric

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Classpect: Thief/Seer of Light (Prospit)

True Sign: Sagipio (Sign of the Detective)


Main Ref

Sparkledog Ref


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