Full Name: Dasher

Nickname: Dash

Pronouns/Gender: He/Him + Fucker/Fuckers (Trans Male)

Sexuality: Het/Aro

Species: Cat

Age: 18

Worth: $259


A selfish guy who pretty much only looks out for himself, can be a bit of an asshole so it's hard for him to make friends, but if you get to know him he's a chill dude who loves giving gifts to the ones he loves. He's a fast learner, but not the most academically smart he picks up on things very easily and has a variety of hobbies that he pursues, though often drops them once he gets bored. Easily bored and is seeking constant excitement, it doesn't have to make him happy it just has to make him feel something, often does stupid things that end in him almost dying LoL.


16personalities: ENTP-A

Cognitive Functions: ENTJ

Enneagram: Sx7, 7w8, Sx/So

Tritype: 783

Big 5: SCUEI

Psychosophy: FLVE

4 Temperaments: Sanguine-Choleric

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Classpect: Thief/Seer of Light (Prospit)

True Sign: Sagipio (Sign of the Detective)


Main Ref

Sparklecat Ref


Art by Danuwu

Art by Penta_B

Art by Me

Art by Widowpawz

Art by Alienpurpled